December 2022–Present

Avances en la aplicación de traducción automática neuronal para el procesado de documentos históricos.

Postdoctoral grant supported by the valgrAI fundation.

Postdoctoral research project that aims to make advancements in the application of neural machine translation for the processing of historical documents.

I work as a researcher on the field of machine translation and its applications to the processing of historical data.

March–August 2022

Machine Learning Applications.

Research line from the PRHLT Research Center.

This research line included several research projects ongoing at the PRHLT Research Center on the fields of big data and deep learning, speech processing and dialog systems, handwritten text recognition, computer vision, language translation and natural language processing.

I worked as a researcher on the field of machine translation, mainly in the are of interactive machine translation.

October 2020–February 2022

Covid-19 MultiLingual Information Access (Covid-19 MLIA). Website. MT repo.

Community effort to boost the development of language resources and multilingual information access systems specifically tailored on Covid-19. It is promoted by several communities which are closely working together. Supported by the European Commission, the European Language Resources Coordination, the European Language Resources Association, the European Research Infrastructure for Language Resources and Technology and the CLEF Initiative.

The machine translation task aims to organize a community evaluation effort with the intents of accelerating the creation of resources and tools for improving the generation of MT systems focused on Covid-19 related documents.

Co-organizer of the machine translation shared task.

December 2019–December 2022

Deep learning for adaptative and multimodal Interaction in pattern recognition (DeepPattern).

Research project supported by the Generalitat Valenciana (GVA) under the reference PROMETEO/2019/121.

This project follows past PROMETEO projects. Its goal is to incorporate deep neural networks and recurrent neural networks to interactive and multimodal pattern recognition from a deep learning approach. And to apply these techniques to several tasks such as interactive machine translation, handwritten text recognition, information retrieval and indexing from images, recognition of mathematical expressions, author profiling and multimodal speech recognition.

I worked as a researcher developing new interactive protocols for the processing of historical data.

June–November 2019

Machine Learning Applications.

Research line from the PRHLT Research Center.

This research line included several research projects ongoing at the PRHLT Research Center on the fields of big data and deep learning, speech processing and dialog systems, handwritten text recognition, computer vision, language translation and natural language processing.

I worked as a researcher on the field of machine translation and its applications to the processing of historical data.

February 2018–May 2019

Desarrollo de una Plataforma de Traducción Automática Utilizando Técnicas de Hibridación Sobre un Núcleo de Traducción Basado en Redes Neuronales.

Research project registered under the project Hybrid Neural Machine Translation Platform, developed by the company Pangeanic with support from the Centro Para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI) and the European Union under Programa Operativo de Crecimiento Inteligente (reference IDI-20170964).

The goal of this project was to create a hybrid neural machine translation platform that profits from the company’s current machine translation framework to create a new translation core based on neural machine translation that created added value for the professional users and the clients.

I worked as a researcher helping in the development of this platform and incorporating an incremental learning framework.

January 2016–December 2017

Adaptive Learning and MultimodAlity in MAchine Translation and tExt tRanscription (ALMAMATER).

Research project supported by the Generalitat Valenciana (GVA) under the reference PROMETEOII/2014/030.

This project followed past PROMETEO projects based on profiting from the user’s feedback on interactive pattern recognition approaches. Its goal was to retrain the system using the data produced during the feedback process to adapt the system to the user’s behavior and the task’s particularities; explore the multimodality inherent in the interaction in order to improve the overall behavior and usability of the system; and apply the developed techniques to the fields of handwritten text recognition, machine translation and image retrieval.

I worked as a researcher developing new interactive machine translation protocols.

July–December 2015

Desarrollo de una plataforma tecnológica orientada a la eficiencia de los recursos en el campo de las nuevas tecnologías Internet of Things (SmartWays).

Research project supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) under the reference RTC-2014-1466-4.

This project was devoted to develop a data platform which would allow for implementing a Smart City environment, including features for Smart Light management and Smart Parking management.

I worked as a researcher helping improve the in-car speech recognition and dialog systems for Smart Parking.